
507 Mathematics


Fridays 11am-12pm

Date Speaker (affiliation) Title & Abstract
October 11 (This talk will be in Mathematics 203) Myungsin Cho (Indiana University Bloomington)
Fiber of the cyclotomic trace of the sphere spectrum and K-theoretic Tate-Poitou duality at the prime 2

Abstract: Understanding the algebraic K-theory of the sphere spectrum has long been recognized as a fundamental problem in algebraic and differential topology. Since the homotopy fiber of its p-completed cyclotomic trace depends only on the zeroth homotopy group, we can apply algebraic methods to study it. Blumberg and Mandell’s work demonstrates that, for odd primes, Tate-Poitou duality can be enhanced to an Anderson duality between the homotopy fiber and the K(1)-local K-theory of the integers. In this talk, I will present this connection and extend the result to the case where p=2.

October 18 Candace Bethea (Duke University)
The local equivariant degree and counting rational curves equivariantly

Abstract: I will talk about joint work with Kirsten Wickelgren on defining a global and local degree in stable equivariant homotopy theory. We construct the degree of a proper $G$-map between smooth $G$-manifolds and show a local to global property holds. This allows one to use the degree to compute topological invariants, such as the equivariant Euler characteristic and Euler number. I will discuss the construction of the equivariant degree and local degree, and I will give an application to counting orbits of rational plane cubics through 8 general points invariant under a finite group action on $\mathbb{C}\mathrm{P}^2$. This gives the first equivariantly enriched rational curve count, valued in the representation ring and Burnside ring. This equivariantly enriched count also recovers a Welchinger invariant in the case when $\mathbb{Z}/2$ acts on $\mathbb{C}\mathrm{P}^2$ by conjugation.

October 25 Rachael Boyd (University of Glasgow)


November 1 Viktor Burghardt (University of Michigan)


November 8 Natalie Stewart (Harvard University)


November 15 Andres Mejia (University of Pennsylvania)


November 22 Roy Magen (Columbia University)


December 6 Marco Volpe (University of Toronto)


Past seminars